Compensating Leaders and Accelerating Student Success (CLASS) Award Program Background Save changes

We are proud of our school system and the quality of teaching and learning that takes place in our classrooms each and every day. Hollow Rock-Bruceton’s success is the result of many things, but especially our dedicated teachers and staff. Beginning in 2010, HRBSSD engaged a team of teachers, principals, the Director, Board of Education members and other stakeholders to redesign how educators are compensated. Due to applying for and being eligible to receive federal funding from the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) and other grants, HRBSSD has contributed greatly to the body of knowledge about strategic compensation along with other initial recipients in the state of Tennessee.  The design team and central office staff are committed to reviewing the model annually to ensure it continues to meet educators’ needs—and serve their best interests.   Trey Crews, TIF Supervisor 731-418-4174